The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Star-Castle of Wisdom

But obviously the attraction that the application of supernormal abilities definitely had for everyone had no value of its own up here in the vicinity of the mighty sage.

All application indeed seemed to be limited to the most, and among all those present Mani could not see a single one who made any other impression on her than that of general perfect simplicity.

What impressed Mani in particular was the extraordinary serenity, founded in deep and blissful inner silence, which lay above all and everything - as if the whole hall was steeped into lively delight.

When someone spoke he did not just say or explain something - he spoke from the depth of his heart into the depth of feeling of the one he was talking to.

This accomplished mastery of the innermost faculties of man was the particular feature up here in the palace of the master.

And so Mani thought, ”Life goes on here with such unbelievable, infinitely simple naturalness; extremely focussed - and yet so full of the deepest composure: full of determined energy - and yet so infinitely flexible and tolerant: full of devotion - and yet animated by an unheard-of mighty will: full of innocent simplicity in the great goals - and yet endowed with the confident experienced sagacity of a cosmic wanderer.”

Here Mani realized what all the great miraculous deeds, which the boys and girls practised all over the mountain, were actually aimed at: a completely confident, almighty mastery over their inner naturalness.

From the completely harmonious liveliness of all the participants assembled here Mani could only guess how many blissful cosmic secrets this supernormally mastered naturalness still contained.

This was the reason then why Sol had told her all the time in his explanations, as they went from clearing to clearing, that with all the exercises of the supernormal abilities the development of the potential of real wisdom was emphasized - everything else being meaningless; for the power of the true sage is infinitely greater than all omnipotence.

Within the divine master, but also in some way within those assembled here, Mani sensed something of what was meant.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Star-Castle
of Wisdom

The Immortal Star-Nectar of Wisdom
The Ruler Over the Knowledge of the World
Mani's Journey on the Flying Ship
The Journey to the Island of Overflowing Wealth