The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Star-Castle of Wisdom
Mani's Journey on the Flying Ship

Now everyone was on board, standing at the sparkling railing that twinkled like plants of precious stones, and looked towards
the gleaming golden castle.

In the infinite silence of the lively full-moon night the ship began its unbelievably blessing voyage.

Hosts of other ships came sailing past - from all quarters; and the passengers on these gleaming airships waved at them, and they waved back.

Swift as the wind they first flew towards the moon, and when looking back Mani could see only at a very great distance the shining castle and innumerable gleaming clearings where apparently exercises were being held incessantly.

Finally she saw only a brilliant shine - like that of a sun - and around it uncountable small fires which, as they flew further and further away, seemed to glitter and twinkle like distant stars around the sun of the palace.

Their speed was once more increased unbelievably - without Mani noticing it physically. With his winds the young leader of the ship seemed to solve all the otherwise so common problems of gravity.

Finally they sailed around the shining moon in a magnificent swing.

Then they took course again towards the island; the palace-sun with his glory of clearings came quickly nearer, and soon they reached the small bay where Mani and Sol had left their little golden boat behind.

The prince of the moon-alfs covered the boat with a layer of silver - he said that in order to successfully continue their travel, they would require a boat which was golden within yet silvery outside.

Sol and Mani thanked him and the others for the kind escort, said good-bye affectionately and went ashore from the ship over the rainbow-bridge which the alf had quickly created.
The bright full moon stood high above the flying ship that shone in all colours.

Silver-white winds came rushing from the moon, blew into the mighty sails and took the magnificent wonder-craft into the height of the clear full-moon night.
Standing there and musing, Sol and Mani followed it for a long time with their eyes and waved at it.

And as the ship flew faster and faster towards the moon again, Mani thought by herself,

“Just as all outer wealth springs from the unbounded inner wealth of our talent and - like a golden inexhaustible source - always gushes forth only from within the supernormal abilities, in various degrees depending on the state of development of the individual, in the same manner wisdom grows from these divine abilities - in the opposite direction however - and on the pure and solid basis of the systematic exercises of these supernormal abilities.

“On this island the young people learn the truly founded mastery over their own inner almighty abilities that are basically within them already.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Star-Castle
of Wisdom

The Immortal Star-Nectar of Wisdom
The Ruler Over the Knowledge of the World
Mani's Journey on the Flying Ship
The Journey to the Island of Overflowing Wealth