The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Exercises of the Powers of the Giants
The Seer of Baldur's Forces – The Expert of the Divine Wisdom of Clear Conscience

The two contestants themselves have to lead the various shapes of the winds, of the waves of water and of the ice, which they continuously create, change and maintain, through the forces of divine wisdom.
Therefore the students coordinate the forces which give and maintain shape, and which strengthen the depth and the surface of the wind, waves and icefloes, with the divine gifts of Wili: the forces of divine reason.

“When those practising have purified the content of the forms with the divine forces of the one who was born nine times, and have united their diverging tendencies on the level of the transcendence, then the untarnished mirror of purified consciousness assumes the perfect images of the elements.”

“And when the infinite waves of the perfectly appeased elements begin to stir creatively in the air, in the water, and even in the ice, then from the depth of the elements the language of divine omnipotence sounds up mightily to the light of the world.”

“With the power of their free will those practising now direct their sun-radiant rain of fantasy, the divine present of Freyr, into the fields of the purified elements, where it roars down in innumerable fine droplets into the world of growth - each of these fine shapes a mirror-image of the whole world.
The beholder nourishes himself from these perfect forms of fantasy, embedded into the elements, and the accomplished art of the contestants manifests in the purity of the divine images which the elements carry within them.”

“Thus the tenth ambassador of Agni, the ruler over the mind, whom you see sitting to the left of the Seeress of Heimdall's forces, cognizes the forces of holiness in the shapes of the air, of the water and of the ice, and full of reverence he sees, how the perfectly creative form permeates the elements, as it creates from unity, and purifies them completely.
Emanating from the two players, the light of pure cognition now moves into the fields of their creation, and spreads from there to the eye of the beholder.”

“These shining forces are the blessing of the god Baldur for the contestants and the judges, and therefore the man, who holds the brightly shining fire of pure cosmic cognition on the bowl of diamonds towards the sky, is named ”Seer of Baldur's forces.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Exercise of the Powers of the Giants
The Outer Ring of the Mind in the Light
of the Moon
The Tournament of the Wave-Driver and the
The Divine Order of the Judges of the Exercises
The Seer of Odin's Forces
The Seeress of
Wili's Forces
The Seer of We's Forces
The Threefold Unity of the Seers of Forces
The Seer of Thor's Forces
The Seeress of
Tyr's Forces
The Seeress of
Freyr's Forces
The Seeress of
Heimdall's Forces
The Seer of
Bragi's Forces
The Seer of
Widar's Forces
The Seer of
Baldur's Forces
The Seeress of
Hoedur's Forces
The Seeress of
Njoerd's Forces
The Contest of the
Rain-Worker and the
The Contest of the
Fire-Stormer and the
Ruler of Spaces