The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Island of Happiness
The Ring of Power
Over the Fires

In the meantime Mani and Sol had reached the next ring with even more finely piled sacrificial fires, which again were each surrounded by six boys and girls in splendid clothes. These also sang towards the world-ocean, yet their songs sounded more passionate than the tunes of the previous groups and moved Mani's heart even more.

“These singers are trained as collective warriors with the forces of fire,” explained Sol.
“They learn to direct the breath of the winds towards the glow of cognition - yet harnessed in such a skilled manner that the flames of enthusiasm do not flare up high and burn the ores of the heart.”

“The mighty singers achieve that the glows nestle softly and warmth-giving against the waves of the waters, providing them with just the mild warmth, which they need to melt the icy masses.”

“Mastering the fire is a high art in the family of man, because too much of air - applied to the glow of the feeling - creates parching excitement of emotions and lets them easily flare up into burning hate.
But also too little of the air, which the warming fire needs so much, deprives the blaze of the inner breath, that it needs for the blossoming of life; in that case the feeling aspect of man hardens under the icy cold of the crude knowledge of understanding.”

“Being ordered by their master, and for their own practice, the singers assembled here in the third ring summon the high-flaring flames of the heated minds from the world of man here, to the waves of the world ocean, and thus provide the uncurbed fires of temperament with the cold they need lest they scorch or even burn the beings of the world.
If not for these songs, that are sung here and that permeate the world, the latter would drown in storms of chaos and would be left to self-destruction.”

“Do you notice, how clear the colours and shapes now show in the waves of the ocean?” Sol asked his sister. ”These are the images, which the cooled glow sends to the singers as a grateful salute; the eye feasts on this clarity of forms, which is due to the scorching heat being alleviated.”

Never before had Mani seen such a varied display of forms and colours, except maybe in that fullmoon night, when the daughter of the sun had sung her lovely song to her, and a tender, delicately fragrant sea of blooms of cognizant blissfulness had unfolded between her mental coolness and her glowful warming heart.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Island of Happiness
The Threshold of the Forces of Fate
The Circles of the
World Rule
The Circle of the Power Over the Earth
The Manifold Order of the Rings of the World Rule
The Twelve-Fold Diversity of the Powers of Free Conscience and Will
The Ninefold Order of the Choirs of the Worlds
The Ring of Power
Over the Waters
The Ring of Power
Over the Fires
The Ring of Power
Over the Winds
The Ring of Power
Over the Spaces