The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Star-Castle of Wisdom

This knowledge was definitely available in full to everyone else here on the island - and obviously to her brother too; and they all seemed to have practical access to this knowledge at any time.

However, how they achieved to be independent from the drink of the cosmic fires of delight - as if they produced it within themselves and did not really require it from outside - was something Mani wanted to find out during this next journey.

It seemed to her as if for everyone except herself this heavenly potion was rather a symbolic drink which they did not actually need from outside.
The drink did not seem to have any particular effect on them which they did not have within them already.

And the fact that the herdsman on the clearing created the cow together with the celestial drink all by himself, was proof enough that the herdsman must have carried both, the cow as well as the drink, within himself before.

Obviously this cosmic nourishing drink of the star-world brought own, deep insights - like presents; it had to be an essential key to wisdom.
The sage then seemed to be able to permanently generate this cosmic juice within himself and then to enjoy it.

And maybe the drink had various qualities so that very different insights were revealed - this question too waited for an answer.
Mani was very confident: on these islands she would eventually learn everything within and without to the last detail - even if it was to take her years; but then everyone else had learned all these things too.

Thus there had to be a completely competent training program applicable to everyone.

Mani knew: if she wanted to keep her promise and free the star-princess from captivity, then only the almighty forces which were taught on this island so successfully were able to help.

And according to the advice of the divine ruler over the Island of Happiness, the accomplishment of the task she had chosen needed even more and very different training programs again which Mani was to get to know now on the following journey.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Star-Castle
of Wisdom

The Immortal Star-Nectar of Wisdom
The Ruler Over the Knowledge of the World
Mani's Journey on the Flying Ship
The Journey to the Island of Overflowing Wealth