The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Rainbow-Castles of the Night
The Rainbow-Castle of the Full Moon

With these words they went into the next castle; and Mani immediately was received by a marvellous shining, sil-very-white sparkling brightness, as if she was going through delicate sunlit snow - or, as if she was going right into the moon.
At once she felt reminded of the ”wood of the silent ways.”

There she had experienced that mild cooling, infinitely refreshing brightness before.

The deep silence that embraced her with its many, many soft and tender arms, clothing her into overflowing streams of bliss, robbed her of all thinking of her own which would have given her only inferior bliss anyway.

And very naturally her mind calmed down, plunging into ever subtler thrills of bliss, until Mani only felt - not really thought anymore - only delicately felt: here she wanted to settle for ever and ever, and in this boundless bliss she wanted for all times to come to simply rest like on an infinitely soft, snow-white great cushion of infinite joy of life.

When Mani was just about to sink down decidedly, her brother began to sing again quietly; and immediately a thought rose within her again which expanded in her mind more and more, and finally she remembered, ”Actually we want to go through this marvellous castle of shining bliss to the golden palace up there.”

And so she walked briskly and full of joy beside her brother towards new realms of unbounded happiness.

Soon they had crossed this tower of silvery-white bliss too and went through the gate onto the twinkling rainbow-bridge again.
“In this fourth tower those forces dominate which rule pure consciousness,” explained Sol.
“They put everyone who has not achieved power over his consciousness into the blessing state of restful alertness; for it is those almighty cosmic forces which in nature bridle the thoughts and the senses of perception as if they were mighty horses - as we have seen it earlier in the first tower too.

The difference to deep sleep is that the infinitely stronger forces, which dominate in this tower here, bridle the thoughts and the senses not from outside but from within - from the depth of the mind and from the depth of the senses.

“Whereas in the first tower mind and senses are controlled by reducing the bodily functions, which finally leads to the state of consciousness of deep sleep, here the mind and the senses are powerfully permeated by pure consciousness.
And through the experience of deep and silent bliss which the light of pure consciousness gives them, mind and senses begin to sink into blissful rest.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Rainbow-Castles
of the Night

The Rainbow-Castle
of the New Moon
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Rising Moon
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Waxing Moon
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Full Moon