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peter hübner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


Research Fields Summary

Health of the Nervous System






Multiple Sclerosis



Arterial Nerves of the Arteries

Mental & Sensory Abilities

Cardiovascular Health

Health of the Hormone System

Health of the Immune System

Health of the Regenerative System

Healthy Sleep

Healthy Blood

Faster Recovery

Less Medication

Vital Energy


Release of STRESS


Women’s Health



Gynecological Surgery

Other Gynecological Problems

Children’s Health

Health of the Elderly

Health of Ear, Nose & Throat

Reduction of Pain




Health of the Skin



Health of Mind & Senses


Psychological Health

Release of STRESS


Reduction of Anxiety

Courage to Face Life

Reducing Negative Values

Strengthening Positive Values



Exposure to Radioactivity

Mother & Child



Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations – Summary
Cardiovascular Health
  • Effects of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® on hemodynamic parameters in children with autonomic nervous system disturbances: The treatments with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® have a clear sympatholythic effect and lead the disturbed hemodynamic state of the child back to its healthy age norm. The greater effects of MRT-Music® treatments were seen in children with an initial absolute sympatheticotonia.

  • Taking of fetal heart activity out of the danger zone to a very satisfactory condition.

  • Faster normalization of excessively high blood pressure (reduction of 15-20 mmHg) in pregnant women with mild gestosis (OPH syndrome) than in the medication group.

  • Reduction of the heart rate in neurodermatitis and psoriasis patients: prior to the auditory training, the mean heart rate stood at circa 85 beats per minute. After the first day of the auditory training, heart rates had fallen by an average of 5 beats per minute, and this was repeated on the third day. On the sixth day the heart rate fell by an average of 10 beats per minute. After completion of the auditory training on the fourteenth day, the average heart rate after listening was 70 beats per minute. The heart rate in the control groups did not go down.

  • Lowering of the blood pressure in women before and after gynecological surgery: 31% of the women with hypertonia experienced a fall in blood pressure of 15-25 mmHg.

  • Reduction of the blood pressure in children with a tonisympathic form of vegetative angiodystonia: a positive effect was already evident by the end of the first session and had stabilized after 2 days. The general health condition improved, the number of breaths per minute changed by 1.9 breaths, the systolic vascular pressure fell an average of 6.1 mm, the diastolic vascular pressure an average of 4.0 mm. In the control group the first improvements became evident at the end of the first or the start of the second week.

  • Reduction of heart frequency in children with a tonisympathic form of vegetative angiodystonia: A positive effect took place already after the first treatment and had stabilized already after 3-4 treatments (2 days). The general state of health improved, heart beats per minutes reduced by 5 beats on average.

  • Improvement of the general mental state in women with a mild gestosis (OPH-syndrome): For 7-10 days 13 women listened to the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in the morning and after lunch and had no other therapy during these days. In 10 of the 13 women (77%) the treatment with the music caused a clear improvement of the mental state.

  • Calming of the fetus during labor: Acceleration and deceleration of fetal heart beat reduced – the fetus was calmed.

  • Improvement in the fetal heart activity in pregnant women with gestosis (OPH syndrome): 14% faster than in the control group: the cardiotocogram showed a normalization of the condition of the fetus in 86% of the studies. After only 6 treatments the number of accelerations and the variability had increased and treatment could be completed after 12 days. In the control group normalization first occurred after 9-10 days and the entire treatment required 14 days.

  • Faster breakdown of the protein content in the urine of pregnant women with gestosis (OPH syndrome).

  • Improvement of sleep in 77% of the pregnant women with a mild form of gestosis (OPH syndrome). Reducing the frequency of sleep disorders from 86% to 7%. In the control group an increase from 50% to 80%.

  • Slowing of the heart rate in older people and people of middle age: from the third session on, a reduction in the heart rate averaging 5 beats per minute was evident during the relaxing music and averaging 3.1 beats per minute during the activating music.

  • Normalization of high blood pressure occasioned by neural dysfunction in children with a hypertonic type of neurocirculatory dystonia: Normalization of the systolic and diastolic vascular pressure, of the average vascular pressure and of the arterial pressure, normalization of the heart rate and breathing.

  • Taking of fetal heart activity out of the danger zone up to a level of 9.2 on the Krebs’ scale, which indicates a very satisfactory fetal condition.

  • Lowering of the blood-pressure in patients with neurodermatitis and psoriasis: on the first day the average levels in the experimental groups (neurodermatitis and psoriasis) fell from 130/85 mmHg prior to listening, to 125/80 mmHg after listening, and this was repeated on the third and sixth day. On the fourteenth day the levels fell from 130/85 mmHg prior to listening, to 120/70 mmHg after listening.

  • Faster normalization of high blood pressure in pregnant women than in a control group receiving hypotonic and sedative medicine.

  • Lowering of the blood pressure in women before and after gynecological surgery: 31% of the women with hypertonia experienced a fall in blood pressure of 15-25 mmHg.

  • Faster recovery of pregnant women at risk with a mild form of gestosis (OPH-syndrome): Improvement in fetal heart activity: 20 - 30% faster than in the control group.
    The cardiotocogram showed a normalization of the condition of the fetus in 86% of the studies. This was also subjectively confirmed by the mothers-to-be who felt better and better. After only 6 treatments the number of accelerations and the variability of fetal heart beat had improved, documenting an improved function of the fetal-placental system. The treatment in the MRT-Music® group could be completed after 12 days, normalization in the control group first occurred after 9-10 days and the entire treatment required 14 days – that is, the recovery of the MRT-Music® group was 14%. faster.

  • Improvement of sleep in 77% of the pregnant women with a mild form of gestosis (OPH syndrome). Reducing the frequency of sleep disorders from 86% to 7%. In the control group an increase from 50% to 80%.

  Cardiac and Circulatory Disorders   For this indication please use the program:

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With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.