The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Inner Ring of Cognition in the Light of the Sun
The Inner Ring of Cognition
in the Light of the Sun

Now we enter the inner ring of cognition in the light of the sun,” explained her brother. ”In this ring all inner growth fills with
the sunlight of pure self-awareness - as we have seen more and more clearly in the rings of cognition.

Then the unskilled eye does not perceive the differences anymore which are inherent to all nature; for the eye of the un-educated is dazzled by the brightness of the flood of light.

“Due to being dazzled, part of the inner capability of cognition closes again, and the unexperienced therefore cannot distinguish fine details anymore.

“Better close your eyes,” continued Sol towards his sister, ”then you will notice that the blinding effect ceases a little but you can see as well as before.”

And when Mani closed her eyes she could indeed see as well as if her eyes were open - only the dazzling had ceased. This was more comfortable to her, and so she kept her eyes closed as they briskly walked on.

“Earlier on the practice-places of the rings of the mind we admired the powerful mastery over the elements,” Sol continued his explanations, ”and the success of those practising was based first of all on their spontaneous and very natural personal insight into the inner activities of the elements - where the mighty forces of nature work directly - and only then on their skill of handling these prime forces of creation effectively and playfully.

“When we entered the area of the rings of cognition the alfs allowed us too this view behind the pretended, outer, the bodily facade of nature.
This impressive gift of the alfs is the natural prerequisite for learning the inner mastery over nature.

“Through the personal insight into the finer fields of the created we then realized that the outer success of the exercises in the rings of the mind depends on the inner mastery over nature - on the power over the forces of nature themselves.

“And particularly during our experiences in the rings of cognition in the light of the moon we found that nothing in the entire creation unfolds without this process of growing being lived through before, completely and perfectly, in the transcendence; for it is the latter that generates all that is created - as we have observed - and from it the whole creation is being governed powerfully.

“Anchored in pure consciousness the cognitive forces of the cosmic moonlight make the mastery over the creation possible and govern it in a perfect manner.

Therefore all activity in the world - powerfully governed by the moon-alfs - actually develops only in the field of pure consciousness itself, whereas in the world of the created - in the flow of time and space - only the outer effect of this original activity in the transcendence appears, as its imperfect projection, like a shadow.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Inner Ring of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun

The Inner Ring of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun
The Great Sun-Sacrifice
The Singing Star-Streams of Wisdom
The Star-Palace of Omnipotence
The Seven Rainbow-Castles of Knowledge