Scientific Music Medicine

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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
PETER HÜBNER: At the same time it is important to understand, that the EDDA is not, for instance, – as generally assumed so far – about a supposedly imaginative ‘historical record’ of our oldest relatives, or even about any sagas of the Gods fabricated by them, but that it is about the prediction and/or description of the systematics for gaining higher states of con­scious­ness.
“So that I perceive
what holds
the world together in its innermost.”
“On the way of discovery
the intellect has little to do.
There is a phase transition in con­scious­ness,
call it intuition or whatever you like,
and the solution comes to you,
and you do not know how and why.”
Albert Einstein
Therefore our ancestors called these traditions of theirs, passed on and collected in the EDDA, a ‘prophecy’ – a projection, a vision of the future of a seeress: a vision of the future for gaining those higher states of con­scious­ness very well known to them, for which present-day science is striving and which the science of the future will very likely stand up for with ever growing commitment – if the human race wants to survive at all on a fairly long term basis.
“If you look up,
you do not see
any limits.”
From Japan
The universe
will shed no tears
over mankind.”
Albert Einstein
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: So today it is high time for science to make up for the homework Plato had given, or better: to have a detention; then present-day scientific thinking will probably change in principle and so may do justice to the academic claim – just as Plato has demanded it in his academy.
But this certainly might be quite a long and maybe also thorny way; for – who likes to say good bye to his prejudices accumulated and amassed in years of laborious work full of self-sacrifice? This probably needs several generations – for, what does MAX PLANCK, the famous physicist and Nobel laureate, say about this problem:
“A new scientific truth does not tend to get through, in that their opponents get convinced and confess to be converted, but rather in that the opponents gradually die out and the next generation is made familiar with the new truth right from the start.”
Max Planck
And Albert Einstein, the not less famous physicist and Nobel laureate deals with your difficulties in the matter:
“Few are able
to express with composure opinions,
which deviate from the prejudices of the environment;
most of the people are even incapable
of forming such opinions at all.”
Albert Einstein
PETER HÜBNER: But Einstein also demanded something very crucial from education and thus from the university of the future:
“The thinking of the future
has to render wars impossible.”
Albert Einstein
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: And here we are again with the demand of Plato:
“The sciences should only be taught,
inasmuch they contribute to aligning the soul to the higher existence,
to the eternally true ideas.
Only if they do this, they should be taught.”
and thus with self-cognition and/or self-awareness – our theme. The task is: “Higher States of Consciousness to Education!”
Medical Music Preparations on CD
A Digital Studio Recording Under the Artistic, Scientific and Technical Direction of the Composer and Muiscologist Peter Hübner
Listening Program:
Gynaecological Disorders
RRR 105 Gynecological Disorders
RRR 931
RRR 942
RRR 951

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.