Scientific Music Medicine

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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Also here, with this statement of the “INNOVATION REPORT – Forum for Science, Industry and Economy”, or of those researchers involved in the research, about the importance of that odd procedure using the ‘mirror-test’ for the supposed recognition of ‘self-awareness’ we again have ended up amidst the cow-dung case.
“In order to become, whatever you are capable of,
do not shy way from working and waking;
but protect your soul against the career maker!”
Theodor Storm
PETER HÜBNER: At the first moment it might be depressing for many scientists or scientific writers, to hear that their ability of cognition does not fundamentally differ from the one of the animals, including the ‘adult chimpanzees’ – who also, rough-and-ready, only know at maximum those first three main states of con­scious­ness by own authentic experience –, but they should console themselves with the fact, that not yet all days’ evening has come: they definitely have the possibility here, to work and gain authentic subjective and objective expert knowledge with scientific means.
“Learning consists of
remembering information,
which already
since generations
exists in the soul of man.”
“It is unbelievable,
how much energy
the soul is able
to bestow upon the body.”
W. v. Humboldt
“If we observe nature, we find that it has accommodated
the soul of man in his body like in a spacious palace –
however, not always in the most beautiful rooms.”
Denis Diderot
As seen from the viewpoint of the first three main states of con­scious­ness also the top-flight scientist judges the ‘world’ in about the same way, as the little inconspicuous housefly does too – it may not be able to speak, though, but in principle, in terms of con­scious­ness, it has the same access to its knowledge as the acknowledged Prof. Dr. Dr. of the university such and such with the correspondingly limited help of his first three main states of con­scious­ness too.
“There is an eye of the soul.
With It alone
one can see the truth.”
“The body you can heel, but not the soul.”
From China
Medical Music Preparations on CD
A Digital Studio Recording Under the Artistic, Scientific and Technical Direction of the Composer and Muiscologist Peter Hübner
Listening Program:
Neurophysiological &
Sensory Disorders

RRR 941 Neurophysiological and Sensory Disorders
RRR 931
RRR 940

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.