Scientific Music Medicine

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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
“The most difficult for man is self-cognition.”
From Arabia
To be more correct it should perhaps read here:

“Scientists from Tuebingen discover brain regions, which somehow could stand in relation to ‘self-awareness’ – of what kind is however still completely open.

It could be, that these brain regions are responsible for the phenomenon of what one generally calls ‘self-awareness’.

But the opposite case can be equally possible too: that the ‘self-awareness’ is responsible for the function of these brain regions. It would therefore certainly be presumptuous, if one now wanted to localise the self-awareness in these brain regions or in any brain regions at all.”
“The dam bursts, the field erupts
the floods wash, the expanse is pounding.”
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Well, this is already a drastic correction of the Tuebingen statement.
Here nothing is left from the scientific sensation at all!
So the ladies and gentlemen of the university will not like the sound of that at all.

PETER HÜBNER: Most people do not like the sound of truth – especially, if it liberates them from their illusions. This also applies for the scientists.

Because of a found functional connection between brain activity and supposed “self-awareness” you do not have to make the wide spread mistake of modern neurophysiologists to mix up cause and effect.
I would like to illustrate this with a simple allegory:

When such a scientist finds on a country road, for instance, a green flat blob, then, in the first instance, he may conclude – as an all-time city-dweller – of ‘spinach’. And after a little more detailed examination using his carried along organ of smell as well as with the help of a friend from the countryside the assumption suggests itself that here it is about the dung of a cow – but maybe also about the excrements of an ox or bull or of a calf.
“The entire century is a race
for great aims with small people!”
Jean Paul
But then the scientist wants to “know it exactly” and takes the found object to his laboratory. There, with his measurement instruments, he finds his way into the cow-pat, in order to explore the relations.
And what does his equipment tell him?
That here it is about something how one usually finds it in the digestive tract of the cow.

And what does the scientist conclude now all of a sudden?

That he is in the digestive tract of the cow!

And how do the sensation-seeking scientific media report about it?

“That the scientist of the university such and such has discovered the regions responsible for the digestion of the cow!”
Medical Music Preparations on CD
A Digital Studio Recording Under the Artistic, Scientific and Technical Direction of the Composer and Muiscologist Peter Hübner
Listening Program:
Cardiac &
Circulatory Disorders

RRR 940 Cardiac and Circulatory Disorders
RRR 931
RRR 934

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.