“Through music one can change the ethos,
that is why the mythic kings achieved education through music.” Konfucius
“Music has the power,
to reveal the soul, to heal it, to secure order and peace of the society and the world.” Konfucius
“Even if a man would hold the throne,
but does not possess the necessary power of mind, then he should not dare, to make changes in the rites and in music.” Konfucius
“The purpose of music:
awakening through cognition, consolidating through creativity, perfecting through harmony.” Konfucius
“Of what help is outer education to a man without human kindness?
But a man without education is helped by music!” Konfucius
“Knowledge is experience -
everything else is just information.” Albert Einstein
Experiencing these states then necessitates - as is recommended by all great thinkers - the means of a music structured according to the harmony laws of the microcosm of music: with scientific precision and in a systematic-logical manner. In natural sciences, theories result from practice. In music, it is exactly the same. Here, too, theory results from practice, because real music follows revelation and for the real artist revelation is as much practice as nature is practice for the scientist unpracticed in intuition. Even Einstein confirmed this practice of experience through intuition with his theory of relativity by stating: “On the path to discovery, the intellect has little to do.
There is a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or whatever you like, and the solution comes to you, and you do not know how and why.” Albert Einstein Thus even Einstein’s theory of relativity resulted from his practice of intuition and/or revelation, and putting down his theory in writing, to Einstein, only served the purpose of making the revelation understandable to his colleagues by more or less long-winded ponderings, because large numbers of his colleagues had no knowledge in practicing revelation. We find these instances where theory results from practice of intuition to be true with all great theories. Without exception, they all stem from sudden revelation. “Thus, art always represents divinity,
and man's relation to it is religion; that which we acquire through art comes from God, divine inspiration, setting a goal for man’s talent that he achieves.” Beethoven |
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With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL