The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Story of the Man With the Golden Beard

“And as he thought, the window suddenly opened as if by itself and a stork came flying into the room.
“Why are you worrying, prince?”
“Why should I not worry when the king has ordered me to produce a child that speaks all languages and above all even makes music; and if I Don't make it he will let them take me around the whole country in a cage and show me around as the worst liar and cheat.”

“If that is all; no reason indeed to be sad,” said the stork, ”I will get you such a child.
Don't you know that I am the king of the storks and you once had mercy on me? Now I will repay you.”

“With these words the stork flew away and shortly afterwards he returned and brought a little baby.
And at once it began to make music and speak all languages.

“Now the king's son was glad and did not worry any more, and he did not let the princess sleep any longer. ”Get up, my beautiful sweetheart; the child is there already!”
The princess got up and looked at the child; she heard it making music and wondered very much. The king's son however entertained her with many jokes; they were merry, laughed together and spent their time like lovers; they fell in love with each other and pledged each other eternal faithfulness.

“In the morning, when the king and the ministers saw the child they were very surprised; but the princess did not stop there.

“My revered royal father,” she said before all the ministers, ”now that you have inflicted this shame on me, marry me with this youth; I am ashamed so much my eyes are burning.”

“The king had no objection; he realized that it had to happen as quickly as possible - even now the dedication of the child was much earlier than the marriage!

“And once more a marriage was arranged and everyone sat together merrily, eating and drinking and chatting, and also the two fellow-travellers of the king's son were invited to this great occasion and sat beautifully dressed as guests of honour quite close to the king.

“After the marriage the king asked his son-in-law:

“Now my dear son, you are my son-in-law; tell me the arts and crafts you know, to work all the wonders that I ordered you to do?”
“Well, my dear revered royal father-in-law, have mercy! I Don't know any craft - I just escaped the bad reputation.”

“Now he told him everything, even that he was a king's son - how he had run away from home, and how he had met the three birds; but he told him also that he had told his companions of the three feathered kings he had met, and that he had never made those claims that they reported to him: that he could work wonders and that he was reaching for the offices; the two had simply invented it.
The king was not angry with him at all; rather he was happy that his son-in-law was a true and sincere prince.

“But also he was happy about the goodness and the prudence of the two comrades and he wanted to generously reward their good-heartedness.
He therefore wanted to appoint them trusted counsellors in all affairs of the realm.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Journey Into the Outer Ring of Cognition in the Light of the Sun
The Story of the Man With the Golden Beard