The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon

And when Mani watched more closely she saw that as soon as they had put on the scintillating eagle-capes, the students turned red-golden from within and finally assumed a deep-blue, silvery shimmering luminosity which was permeated with a fine golden lustre.
Eventually the individual student could not be distinguished from his cape anymore - as if he had become one with his sparkling coat.

His whole body was then permeated with a very fine luminous vibration - as if each particle of his body became more and more accelerated within itself.
This continued until the face of the man had assumed an expression of infinite freedom.

Then he rose swiftly as the wind, and before Mani could think even one thought he was out of sight.

And just as swift he was back again - all by surprise, and one could hardly see him arrive.

Then gradually the flickering vibration of the eagleis nature ceased until finally Mani again could distinguish the person from the eagleis coat.
The blue-silvery shine vanished into the golden-yellow luminosity and this inner glow faded too, as if it was gradually cooling down, and those practising regained their normal colour.

Merrily they chatted about the adventures they had had on their journey through the worlds.
And their gleaming eyes thanked the gracious alf for these uplifting experiences.

“Here too you see twelve noble judges of the moonalf king assembled, examining the proper application of the divine forces during those adventurous flights. They too have the magic rings which enable them to see into all spaces and times, and so nothing escapes their attention - no matter where in the world the students might be.”

Now Sol indicated to his sister that their journey should continue.
In the light of the moon they speedily went further up the mountain.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon
The Marvellous Tale
of the Flying Ship
The Flight
Through the Worlds
The All-Nourishing Wonder-Table