The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Marvellous Tale of the Flying Ship

“With these thoughts Henry eventually reached the house of his family where he greeted his parents and the brothers, and he said he was not fit for such a job, so much he knew now; the next one might try.
If, however, the father should insist on his leaving again then he would of course do so, but then the father had left it to them to return if they realized that the plan would not succeed.

“With a smile the miller registered the decision of his eldest son, embraced him and accepted him back at work.

“Now Charles, the second son, said goodbye and went on his way, the bottle of water to his side; he carried the bread that he needed for the journey in a rucksack on his back.

“After briskly walking for a while, the milleris son met an old man who came limping along the narrow way.
The man appeared like a beggar, and as he walked along so laboriously he used a crooked and knotty stick as if he wanted to make his progress even more difficult.

“Now the old man stopped at the edge of the way as if he had infinitely much time; and leaning against an old oak he gave way to Charles.
When the miller's son tried to get through hastily, he greeted the old man, who returned his greeting and then asked him for some bread to eat.

“Charles knew, that he had just about enough with him for the journey to the court of the czar. Now that he had let down his important responsibility in the business of the mill, he did not want to risk the success of his journey; else heid better stayed at home in the first place.

“All this flashed through Charles' mind. He could not afford to spend time with anything that might delay the achievement of the goal; the brother had wasted too much precious time already, and the date at which the task had to be accomplished drew nearer and nearer.
Therefore Charles refused his help, and saying goodbye to the beggar he swiftly went on his way without losing time unnecessarily.

“But now the beggar even asked him curiously what important thing he had to do; and as Charles hurried on he answered curtly that he had to urgently get a flying ship, to appear at the czar and take over the rule; also he should marry his rich and respected daughter.
“You better leave that alone!” answered the old man and went his way.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon
The Marvellous Tale
of the Flying Ship
The Flight
Through the Worlds
The All-Nourishing Wonder-Table