The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Middle Ring of the Mind in the Light of the Moon

Some of them had reached the water-canal and were about to cross it. Mani saw no bridges, but the boys and girls obviously did not bother and went straight towards and into the water.

However, the flood parted to both sides as they entered it.
With mountains of water towering high at both sides, they walked down into the river bed on white steps of marble and crossed the canal.

On the other side they walked up another stairs and went on the flower-ways which lead them to the glowing blaze. Behind them the parting floods merged again.

Other groups, however, went over the waters like over solid ground. Others again simply went into the depth, disappearing in the waves.
Moments later, at the other side of the canal, they emerged from the flood without being wet, and went on over the magnificent flower-ways to the castle that shone forth brighter and brighter.

Now they walked towards the glowing blaze as if they wanted to go right through it.
But the high-flaring fires left no gap where they might have slipped through.
When some of the boys and girls reached this ocean of licking flames and went on without fear, the fiery masses suddenly divided before them - just as Mani had seen before the water parting.
The youngsters walked over the glowing flood, and on the other side they continued their way on the flower-ways. And the flames behind them merged again, forming a solid wall of fire.

Other groups went up before the blaze on stairs of fire.
In that manner they simply walked over the blaze and safely reached the other side of the ring of glow.

Others again soared high above the scorching heat towards the splendid castle.
And others again went right into the sea of flames, disappearing in the hot blast, only to emerge cheerfully at the other side, where they walked on to the crystal palace.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Middle Ring of the Mind in the
Light of the Moon

The Experience of the Personal Victory
Over the Elements
Knowledge and Power Over the
Processes of Growth
The Creative Art of Transmutation
The Inner Ring of the Mind in the
Light of the Moon